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IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino
Interlab Cell Line Collection (ICLC)
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Cell line nameHT-29
Accession numberICLC HTL99026
Brief descriptionSpecies: human, Caucasian; Tissue: colon; Tumor: adenocarcinoma, grade II
DescriptionSpecies: human, Caucasian female 44 years old; Tissue: colon; Tumor: adenocarcinoma, grade II
DepositorDr L. Varesco, Exp. Oncology Dept, IST, Genoa, Italy
Reference paperHuman tumor cells in vitro. Fogh J. ed., Plenum Press, New York, 1975; pp. 115-159
Morphology and growthcontinuous culture, grown as monolayer, morphology epithelial-like
Culture conditionsMcCoy's 5A + 10% FBS + 2mM L-Glutamine; split confluent cultures 1:3-1:5 using trypsin/EDTA; seed at 2-4 x 10^4 cells/cm2; 37C, 5% CO2
PropertiesCEA production. HLA: A1, A3; B12, B17; Cw5.
DistributionCell line available for distribution. For non-commercial investigative use only
Species validationValidated by HLA-DP beta: confirmed as human by PCR
Freezing mediumCulture medium + 50% FBS + 10% DMSO
Validation assaysIdentification confirmed by Short Tandem Repeat (STR) profile.
Amelogenin: X; vWA: 17,19; FGA: 20,22; TH01: 6,9; D18S51: 13,9.2; D21S11: 29,30; D8S1179: 10,16

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